January 2025 Council’s Corner
In Davidson Town Council’s Strategic Plan, one of the values identified was transparency in municipal decision making, finances, and communication. Council’s Corner will focus on these strategic priorities as it relates to the Strategic Action Plan:
- Engagement, Communications and Team Work
- Council met with MLA Barret Kropf at the January Council Meeting. Issues discussed included highways, derelict building clean up, infrastructure, housing, and economic development.
- Word of the Davidson BMO closure was a disappointing surprise. Council has contacted and corresponded with BMO officials, and have been involved with the local campaign and media coverage. The BMO has had a presence in the Town of Davidson since 1905.
- Infrastructure
- Council authorized the purchase of three complete fire hydrants and two main water valves, with a priority placed on these repairs happening in the spring.
- Council approved a three year maintenance program with Provincial Crack Sealing for $22,500. They provide hot pour rubber crack sealing which helps to maintain our streets that have newer pavement.
- Council approved the renewal of a three year agreement with Municipal Sewer Maintenance to continue our sewer main flushing program. They have been flushing approximately a third of the sewer mains each year and now have the equipment to camera the sewer mains at the same time. This information is important for our condition assessment review and planning for maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of the Town’s sewer mains.
- Recreation and Cultural Programs
- 2025-26 Sask Lotteries Community Grant applications are being accepted until February 28th. Community groups are invited to apply for funding to support local sport, culture and recreation projects. Contact Dave at 306-567-2908 for more information.
- The Town is accepting applications for the following summer positions: Pool Manager, lifeguards and summer labour positions. Apply in person at the Town Office or email recreation@townofdavidson.com. Application deadline is February 28th.
- Planning is starting for the Davidson Days weekend, June 20-22, 2025. If you’re interested in getting involved in the planning, the first meeting is February 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.
If you have questions or would like more information on any of these projects, please contact the Town Office.