Davidson is a diverse community of 1044 people located on Highway 11 at the midpoint between Saskatoon, Regina, and Moose Jaw and is halfway between Lake Diefenbaker and Long Lake. This location makes Davidson an ideal place to live or meet! The community has a hospital with 24/7 emergency services, a K-12 school, new recreation facilities for all seasons, and a thriving art community. Davidson is an agricultural hub that offers services to a large area around the community. It has paved streets, reverse osmosis water, a walking trail and three new parks. Our community is an ideal place to live, work, and play!
Town Office
The friendly staff at the Town Office are pleased to serve you Monday to Friday.
Office hours are 8:30 am – Noon; 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm.
We are located at 206 Washington Avenue, Davidson.
To contact us, please call 306-567-2040 / Fax: 306-567-4730