In Davidson Town Council’s Strategic Plan, one of the values identified was transparency in municipal decision making, finances, and communication. Council’s Corner will focus on these strategic priorities as it relates to the Strategic Action Plan:
Engagement, Communications and Team Work
Council and the Administrator took part in a Governance training workshop following the election, where they learned about the roles and responsibilities of Council and staff. This was a great opportunity for team building and learning for the newly elected Council.
The first Wednesday each month (unless otherwise posted) come “Meet with the Mayor” from 9 a.m. – noon in Meeting Room 2 (SGI/Service Canada Room) at the Davidson Town Hall. No appointment needed; drop in only.
Family Literacy Day Story Skate – spearheaded by the Davidson School, in collaboration with the Town of Davidson, West Central Literacy Network, Davidson Public Library, and the Davidson Kinsmen. Family Literacy Day will be recognized with a “Story Skate” on January 24th.
Town Council, in partnership with the RM’s of Arm River and Willner, committed to fund the extra open hours at the Davidson Library over and above what the annual Library Levy covers.
The 2024 Kinsmen Land Project is complete, with the total profit being $68,089.59. Funds raised from the joint project are equally split between the Town and the Kinsmen Club. The Town earmarks their portion for recreation, with the Kinsmen using their portion to serve the community’s greatest need. Since 2011, this project has raised a total of $556,109.40 for our community.
The Town signed another 1-year agreement with Loraas for recycle and garbage collection; citizens will not see a rate increase for this service in 2025.
The Town received a 5-year extension under our Permit to Operate the landfill.
As many of us have travelled to a few cities, towns and villages over the past few weeks, it is evident that our snow removal operations far exceed those of other communities. It should be noted that the level of service we provide is exceptional.
Council has designated two community snow dump sites for contractors to use: rodeo grounds east of Herman Crescent, and northeast of Frontage Road.
Recreation and Cultural Programs
2025-26 SaskLottery Grant applications will be available beginning February 3rd to community groups to apply for funding to support local sport, culture and recreation projects. Groups interested in applying are encouraged to attend a SaskLottery Grant Workshop on Wednesday, February 5th at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall to learn more about the grant and supports to assist groups with their application.
The Town will be accepting applications for summer jobs beginning in February. Pool Manager, lifeguards and summer labour positions will all be available again this summer. Apply in person at the Town Office or email your application beginning February 1st.
Did you know that there are currently over 50 businesses advertising at the AGT Centre? This is a great way to not only advertise your business, but also support our rink and local teams by helping to keep operating costs down. Space is available for additional advertising. Contact Dave at 306-567-2908 for more details.
If you have questions or would like more information on any of these projects, please contact the Town Office.