In Davidson Town Council’s 2022 Strategic Plan, one of the values identified was transparency of municipal decision making, finances, and communication. Council’s Corner will focus on four strategic priorities as it relates to the Strategic Action Plan:
Engagement, Communications and Team Work
Council has completed the Budget process for 2023. Municipal tax rates will remain the same as in 2022. However, some may see changes in their tax levy if there were SAMA assessment changes.
The 2022 Audited Financial Statements have been approved. Copies will be available at the office, and on the Town website shortly. A summary will be sent out with the 2023 tax notices.
Our admin staff continue to apply for grants to help upgrade or expand our infrastructure.
Council has purchased a skid steer from Brandt through a tender process.
The Public Works Committee has been looking for a solution for fixing roads in high moisture areas like Enterprise Lane. Paradox Access Solutions was identified as a company that has helped several municipalities with this problem through the use of a product called Geocells which help support the roadbed. After Council and staff communicated with people who have used this product, Paradox was invited to a Public Works Committee meeting. Council has asked Paradox for a proposal for Council to consider using on Enterprise Lane in 2024. For 2023, we will be gravelling and maintaining Enterprise Lane as best we can.
Council continues to lobby the provincial government regarding safety concerns at our Town entrances.
The Town has asked for design alternatives and construction quotes to deal with the drainage issue on the south side of the AGT Centre.
Council is currently looking at renovations and repairs needed in some of the town facilities (Davidson Family Practice building, Library, Water Treatment Plant building, water tower and building, and the Town Hall). Council budgeted for these repairs in 2023.
Council has budgeted for continued tree maintenance and renewal.
Economic Development
Staff continue to update the new website. We are looking to update the business listing, and provide more information on each business. Please consider filling out a business license application form (available on the website) and submit it with your information. As well, please contact the Town Office if you have any events you’d like listed on the community calendar.
Recreation and Cultural Programs
The tender on the AGT Addition Project closed on April 21, 2023. The Tender will be awarded in early May.
Staff surveyed comparable communities in regards to pool rates, and based on that information rates at the Panther Pool have been adjusted slightly for 2023. Rates are posted on the website. Stay tuned for swimming lesson registration happening soon.
Council has budgeted to replace two of the baseball dugouts in 2023.
If you have questions or want more information, please contact the Town Office.