A Development Permit is required PRIOR to any development. It ensures that the development conforms with the Town’s zoning bylaw.
When Is A Building Permit Required?
A Building Permit is required for: new building construction, garages/carports, decks (not built on grade), mobile homes, basement development in a dwelling, renovation, alteration or addition to an existing building, fireplaces, wood stoves, and heaters, change of use or occupancy of a building. Please be advised that the replacing of a deck does require a building permit.
Permits are NOT required for: fences, driveways and parking lots, sidewalks, painting, decorating, laying carpet and general maintenance, replacement using the same materials (ie: replacing deck boards) and not affecting structural, electrical, or mechanical systems.
Does The Town Of Davidson Have A Qualified Building Inspector(S)?
The Town of Davidson has contracted the services of Professional Building Inspections, Inc. They are based out of Emerald Park and their contact number is 1-306-536-1799.
What Is The Cost Of A Building Permit?
The cost of a building permit is contingent upon what it is you are building. Please inquire at the Town Office for the cost.
What If I’m Moving In A Building, Do I Still Require A Permit?
Yes, a permit is still required. A pre-move inspection is required to determine the structural integrity of the building. You would contact the Town’s building inspector directly to request this. It is recommended that this inspection be done PRIOR to the purchasing of the building to ensure that you are purchasing a structurally sound building (buyer beware…).
What Is Entailed In The Permit Approval Process?
Apply for a development permit.
After the development permit is approved, a building permit application is then taken out. Complete the Plan Review Checklist , which needs to be attached to your application, to ensure that any required documentation is included with your permit application when you submit it.
Once submitted to the Town Office, administration then forwards it to the building inspectors for plan review.
Once the information and plans have been reviewed by the building inspector, the inspector will return a copy of the reviewed plans to the Town administration, who then reviews the documents and then notifies the applicant that the permit is formally approved, pending payment of the permit fee.
What Happens If I Don’t Apply For A Permit?
Having to take out a building permit reflects an organized, forward thinking community. The concept of building permits separates the fly by night contractors from the legitamite ones. We are not going to patrol the community looking for building activity where no permit has been taken out. However, if it comes to light that something was built without a permit, then the appropriate measures will be to ensure the proper permit(s) are taken out and enforced.
Should a structure be built/renovated/added on, etc. without the required permit, there is a very good possiblity that it could come back to haunt you when you sell your property. Should there be an “illegal” or “non-permitted” structure on your property, we will have no choice but to inform whomever is in charge of your sale of such as quite often we are asked if all required permits were taken out for the property. This can definitely delay your sale!
How Do I Know What Supporting Information The Building Inspector Will Need To Approve My Permit Application?
Aside from referring to and completing the Plan Review Checklist, the supporting information that will be required will depend on the type of construction you are doing. Specific design information sheets that are available at the Town Office.
So When I Submit My Application For A Permit, What Needs To Be Included?
When submitting your application for a building permit, you will also need to include the following:
A completed Building Permit application
A completed Plan Review Checklist along with the supporting information as outlined on the checklist. Failure to submit the required information will delay the issuance of your building permit.
What Are The Consequences For Not Finishing Off What Is Noted On My Permit?
(IE: Putting Guard Rails On A Deck, Putting Handrails On Stairs, Etc)
You may be of the opinion that the little things noted on your permit will be done when you get around to it. After all, you went to the trouble of getting a permit, followed it, except for these little things that need to be done, so what’s the big deal?
The big deal is that although you have paid for your permit, it did not include extra visits (ie: to inspect to see if you completed those notations on your inspection report). Those extra visits come at a cost, which will be billed to you at the rate of $160, plus $165 mileage, for each time the inspector stops to see if you have completed what was required. So, as you can see, it is in your best interests to finish your project completely and not let it drag on.
If I Am Demolishing A Building, Is A Permit Required For That?
Yes, a Permit to Demolish a Building is required. The fee for a demolition permit is $25.00.
What’s The Big Deal If I’ve Taken Out The Required Permits, Built The Structure, But There Are A Few Outstanding Issues? Do I Have To Finish Those Or How Long Do I Have To Correct The Inefficiencies That The Inspector Has Made Note Of On My Inspection Report?
When you are billed for your building permit, included is the required amount of inspections. However, if the inspector has noted any deficiencies that are required to be rectified, each extra time he stops to do an inspection to make sure the rectifications were completed there is a $ 160 inspection charge, plus mileage as it is an extra inspection. So, it’s in your best interest to complete any deficiencies as soon as possible. Also, if the span of time for completion becomes excessive, then you may be charged for a second building permit.
What Is Involved With Commercial Building?
First, a development permit is applied for. Upon approval of the development permit, you will need to contact the commercial building inspector at Professional Building Inspections, Inc. (1-855-487-1799) directly for a commercial building permit application.
Who Do I Contact Should I Require Any Additional Information Or If I Have Any Questions?
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Davidson Town Administration at 306-567-2040 or email us at townofdavidson@sasktel.net. If we are unable to answer your questions, we will refer you to the Building Inspectors.